Google Glass Face Recognition

Google Glass Face Recognition

Speaking about the revolutionary new gadget Google Glass, there is a trade off a little frightening, but at the same time known. Privacy as we thought we know it in the twentieth century has died, and privacy as we believed it was until now, with this little Terminator style lenses, has died again. I really do not know if this is good or bad, I just think it’s very significant; or at least more significant than it seems. The most important experience about Google Glass is not related to the Glass user itself. But rather with the user who does not use the glass, who will be immersed, unable to do anything about it, in countless situations created by the Glass. Google Glass can shoot videos, take pictures, and has geo localization and can tag faces. It’s that simple 1) I look at you through the Glass, the Glass detects a face. 2) Glass connects to Google’s BigTable and detects who is it. 3) Glass knows what time it is and what position in the world is. 4) End of episode. Now imagine hundreds of thousands of people with these goggles, imagine hundreds of thousands of potential tags. “No, but video is activated with the finger, is not shooting all the time…”, we are not that innocent, as the saying goes, it is like to cover the Sun with your finger, and there are hacks to disable the need of the finger, and neither I imagine what’s next . I have an ugly feeling, as if we were about to open Indiana Jones’s Ark. Not going to think I’m a curmudgeon who rails against new inventions … not at all. I just think this is going to change things radically. Use with caution and buy a bag of brown paper for use in the head or a dog kennel as the cartoon Mighty Man and Yukk from the seventies. And if there are still doubts, please read the short story by Isaac Asimov ” The dead past.”

Yukk from Mighty Man and Yukk

Yukk from Mighty Man and Yukk

Top Picture Credit: snap from

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Category: Android, Google

About the Author

Sólo un usuario más de videojuegos desde 1980. Viví los comienzos, los reviví con el Mame en 1998. Pero también le dedico tiempo a los de última generación.

1 Responses to The new end of privacy: Google Glass

  1. […] No lo sabemos. De alguna manera está relacionado con esto que escribí hace un tiempo sobre el Google Glass. Y vuelvo a citar al dibujo animado Mighty Man and […]



