Homo Videoludens 2.0 De Pacman a la gamification Portada

Homo Videoludens 2.0 De Pacman a la gamification Portada

Homo Videoludens 2.0: Pacman to gamification is a new book by Carlos Scolari . It’s actually a new version of Homo Videoludens published in 2008, but more extensive, and written completely in Spanish by different experts in video games , narrative and ludology.

Carlos A. Scolari (editor)

New expanded edition
As the reader may have already discovered seeing the cover, this is the expanded edition of a book published in 2008 by the Catalan publisher Eumo. This new edition of Homo Videoludens, one of the first books published in Spain that studies video games from a theoretical and methodological perspective, proposes new chapters and authors, and has a more updated look, incorporating the latest thinking in the field and ludology semiotics of gaming. In Homo Videoludens 2.0 the merge approaches from different corners of humanities and social sciences. The book covers a wide range of productions and processes ranging from Heavy Rain Pacman and Imperium III, through the gamification, newsgaming and advergaming.

About Carlos A. Scolari

Doctor in Applied Languages and Linguistics from the Communication University of Cattolica di Milano ( Italy). Professor of the Department of Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Among other works published Transmedia Narratives. When all means count (2013), Innovation Crossmedia ( with I. Ibrus , 2012) , The end of mass media (with M. Carlon , 2009) , and Hipermediaciones . Elements for a Theory of Interactive Digital Communication (2008).

These are the authors of various chapters

Xavier Ruiz Collantes
Massimo Maietti
Matteo Bittanti
Henry Lowood
Emilio Sáez Soro
Alfonso Square
Lisbeth Klastrup
Susana P. Tosca
Damian Fraticelli
Óliver Pérez Latorre
Gonzalo Frasca
Lucia Castellón
Oscar Jaramillo
José Martí Parreno

Download the book (spanish version): Homo Videoludens 2.0 De Pacman a la gamification

Author’s Website: http://hipermediaciones.com/2013/12/08/homo-videoludens-2-0-en-version-libre-y-gratuita/

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About the Author

Sólo un usuario más de videojuegos desde 1980. Viví los comienzos, los reviví con el Mame en 1998. Pero también le dedico tiempo a los de última generación.

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